
Mycotoxins are fungal toxic secretions in food that occur when their proper conditions are available. They are the result of fungal growth whether on raw food, or food made for direct human consumption, and spices.

As a partner in solving the problems of mycotoxins in food in Egypt, the laboratory aims at providing the best testing services for some of the most common mycotoxins including:

Aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2 in food and spices
Aflatoxins M1 in milk and dairy products
Ochratoxin A in cereals and herbs
Patulins in juices
ZON in cereals
DON in grains.

QCAP is the only Egyptian laboratory accredited from EU countries for the analysis of aflatoxin in all Egyptian peanut exports that abide by the EU standards. It also issues authorizations for the export of shipments in compliance with international standard specifications.


Prof. Dr. Ahmed Mamdouh – Head
Dr. Ahmed Salem – Deputy
Prof. Alaa El Din Abul Hassan – Deputy

Samples during 2020
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